Posts in Employee
2024... Where should we focus?

The cliche line, Multifamily is slow to change… on the heels of 2024 our industry I see we need to continue to embrace the change that is needed.  I recently asked the Multifamily Insiders Linkedin Group what they saw as the area’s we needed to focus on and Staff came in first with 55% agreeing. Lisa Russell shared her perspective digging into three specific areas. 

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Out with Work-Life Balance and In with Work-Life Blend

Covid-19 and remote work opened our eyes to many things, one of which is that emphasis should be on deliverables, productivity, and KPIs, rather than hours spent at work. If one can reach KPI’s and deliverables in 30 hours a week instead of 40, why punish the employee? Let the focus be on output not on hours spent at work. We live in a world where we are all connected via email, slack, social media and in multiple time zones.  Let’s continue to work towards normalizing and freely sharing that personal commitments are just as important as the professional ones. If the employee can take a call or be working while their kids are in a sports class or if an employee is taking a call in the car, we should be accepting of the situation.

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Mentor talks with you, a leader talks to you.

I look back not just on my multifamily positions that I have held, but all of the positions that have allowed me to grow and I reflect that the 5 characteristics listed below are the ones that are truly the most important in a mentor. Every mentor I have had has these characteristics which have led them to be a wonderful leader which shaped my experience and who I am as a person. 

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2023 Company Culture: Is it everything people are talking about?

We all know we are at an all time high of employees being laid off which means employees who are on the hunt for a new position in 2023 have higher expectations in their new opportunity. These applicants will not only be focused on the position it self, title and salary requirements, however the one area employers have to remember which are important to applicants is company culture. This doesn’t mean what is written on the company website or shown on social media. Applicants are reaching out to people whom already work there to see if actions are happening around culture or is it all for show to bring in quality new employees. The old saying, actions speak louder than words really is holding true when it comes to company culture.

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